日本医薬品添加剤協会 |
和名 アンソッコウ 英文名 Benzoin, Benzoinum CAS 119-53-9 (link to ChemIDplus) 8050-35-9 (link to ChemIDplus), (link to JAN DB), (link to JANe DB) 別名 安息香 収載公定書 局方(JP17),USP/NF(28/23) 用途 防腐剤、保存剤 ■JECFAの評価 (linkd to JECFA) ■単回投与毒性:119-53-9 (link to ChemIDplus) ■反復投与毒性:119-53-9 (link to TOXLINE), 8050-35-9 (link to TOXLINE) ■遺伝毒性:119-53-9 (link to CCRIS), (link to GENE-TOX)
■がん原性:119-53-9 (link to CCRIS) 雌雄B6C3F1系マウスに,2500及び5000 ppm濃度のベンゾインを含む飼料を2年間供与した結果,がん原性を示唆する結果は認められなかった。8) (NCI/NTP, 1980) 雌雄F344系ラットに250及び500 ppm濃度のベンゾインを含む飼料を2年間供与した結果,がん原性を示唆する結果は認められなかった。8) (NCI/NTP, 1980) ■生殖発生毒性:8050-35-9 (link to DART) ■局所刺激性 該当文献なし ■その他の毒性 該当文献なし ■ヒトにおける知見:119-53-9 (link to HSDB) 最小致死量 (ヒト): 0.5-5.0 g/kg (Gosselin et al. 1976 4)) ■引用文献 1) Amacher DE and Turner GN: Tests for gene mutational activity in L5178Y/TK assay system; Prog Mutat Res 5 (Eval. short-termtests carcinog.): 487-496, 1985. 2) Prog Mutat Res 5 (Eval short-term tests carcinog.): 177-180, 1985. (link to the Book) 3) Glauert HP, Kennan WS, Sattler GL, and Pitot HC: Assays to measure the induction of unscheduled DNA synthesis in cultured hepatocytes; Prog Mutat Res 5 (Eval short-term tests carcinog.): 371-373, 1985. 4) Gosselin RE, Hodge HC, Smith RP, and Gleason MN: Clinical toxicology of commercial products. 4th ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1976., p.11-156. 5) Mutat Res 278(4):265-270, 1992.(link to PubMed) 6) Kuroda Y, Yokoiyama A, and Kada T: Assays for the induction of mutation to 6-thioguanine resistance in Chinese hamster V79 cells in culture: Prog Mutat Res 5 (Eval short-term tests carcinog.): 537-542, 1985. 7) Lee CG and Webber TD: The induction of gene mutations in the mouse lymphoma L5178Y/TK+/- assay and the chinese hamster V79/HGPRT assay: Prog Mutat Res 5 (Eval short-term tests carcinog.): 547-554, 1985. 8) NTP No.80-9 BIOASSAY OF BENZOIN FOR POSSIBLE CARCINOGENICITY. TR-204 1980. (link to NTP) 9) Environ Mol Mutagen 16(4):260-271, 1990. (link to PubMed) 10) Rexroat MA and Probst GS: Mutation tests with Salmonella using the palate-incorporation assay: Prog Mutat Res 5 (Eval short-term tests carcinog.): 201-212, 1985. ■Abbreviation ChemIDplus; ChemIDplus DB in TOXNET, CCRIS;Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System , DART; Developmental Toxicology Literature |メニューへ| |
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